"Our story begins in the 1950s in Veneto, precisely in Magrè di Schio, a small town located in the province of Vicenza, northern Italy. Its main character is Cav. Giuseppe Tomasi, at the time in his early twenties, who starts laying the foundations to realize his dreams with enthusiasm and diligence: he designs and produces the very first circular saws in his modest mechanic's workshop. In the next few years the small enterprise grows and starts manufacturing machinery for repair shops and lathes. The company, acquiring the name THOMAS, expands rapidly on both a national and global level. From the end of the 1970s, the enterprise focuses on the design of circular and bandsaws machinery. Stefano Tomasi starts following in his father’s footsteps, managing the company with passion and dedication. With more than 60 years of experience in the business and a widely expanded commercial network, newly established group STHEMMA, still run by the Tomasi family, provides the efficiency and reliability of THOMAS’ machinery worldwide, as well as bandsaw and circular blades manufactured by WAL-ZER.
"From more than 60 years we are operating with passion and determination in machine tools branch. Now as then we have clear goals, looking at the future carrying on as an evolution of what have been started, through a constant improvement and training, with still the same dedication, in order to supply to our costumers quality products assure by the brand Thomas and the reliability given by the family management still going ahead since three generations".